Forward To The 2024 Pilkada, Minister Of Home Affairs: Regional Head Leave, TNI-Polri Members Resign Before September 22

JAKARTA - The Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Tito Karnavian, warned those who want to run in the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada). There are things that must be accepted if they want to advance. Regional heads must take leave, while members of the TNI and Polri must resign.

For the figure of regional heads who want to run again in the Pilkada this time, Tito reminded them to apply for leave.

"The definitive regional heads who go forward they apply for leave, why take leave? Because they really want to become regional heads, their spirit, philosophy. They take their leave during the campaign. The process will be submitted later," said Tito, Monday, July 8.

In addition, Tito also reminded lawmakers who want to run for the regional elections to resign. The same applies to the state civil apparatus (ASN) and members of the TNI and Polri.

"For those from ASN, TNI, Polri before September 22, they have to resign or quit their positions as ASN or TNI and Polri to participate in the contestation," said Tito.

The former police chief emphasized that his party continues to support the preparations for the upcoming regional elections. Coordination efforts with other related parties continue to be carried out.

"This requires the orchestration of all parties, requiring KPU, Bawaslu, DKPP organizers, supervisors, then providing budget support," said Tito.