More And More Isolated, Long Bagun Road Access To Kayan's Apau Total Breaks

TANJUNG SELOR - Access to the national road connecting Long Bagun sub-district, Mahakam Ulu Regency, East Kalimantan (Kaltim) to Sungai Boh District, Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) completely broke due to landslides.

The head of the Apau Kayan's main customs, Ibau Ala, said that the landslide at kilometer 88 in the long Bagun (Mahulu) area caused border residents in four sub-districts, namely Kayan Hulu, Kayan Hilir, South Kayan and Boh River to be isolated.

"This is the only road access that connects Kayan's Apau area on the RI-Malaysia border with East Kalimantan Province," said Ibau Ala, Monday, July 8.

"If the road has been cut off like this, it will be increasingly difficult for Kayan's people to get basic materials and other necessities purchased in East Kalimantan," he continued.

Ibau Ala, who is also a member of the Malinau DPRD, said that although the condition of the road was badly damaged, border residents were still desperate to pass in order to get basic needs in long wages (Kaltim).

"It's really sad, especially since the Long Bagun - Long Nawang (other than) road can now be crossed with 2 to 3 weeks. It's different in 2008 that it can only take 7 hours," he said.

The landslide, continued Ibau Ala, has been reported to the Regent of Malinau, Wempi W Mawa and the Border Road Implementation work unit (satker), as well as the North Kalimantan Provincial National Road Implementation Center.

"We have reported it to the Regent of Malinau and the Road Hall Satker, we hope it will be handled soon because this is the only road access used by border residents," he explained.

Ibau Ala said that road damage also occurred in several sub-districts in Kayan Aahu, such as at kilometer 31, Sungai Boh sub-district, to Long Nawang village, Kayan Hulu sub-district.

"To meet basic needs and fuel (oil fuel), Kayan residents have to shop to Kapit or Sibu, Malaysia. People no longer shop at Tapak Mega because it is closed," he said.

"Now the people hope that Kayan will only bring basic necessities from Malaysia, we are grateful that it went smoothly, but in the last 2 years there have been 5 deer road points from Tapak Mega Malaysia - Panggung / Pospamtas TNI. It is hoped that the central government can pay special attention to Kayan Aircraft, especially since this is a border area," he said.