Chronology Of Hanif Alatas Covering The Condition Of His In-Law Rizieq Shihab Who Is Positive For COVID-19

JAKARTA - Muhammad Hanif Alatas was charged with spreading false information related to his father-in-law Rizieq Shihab's swab test. Hanif Alatas lied to cover up Rizieq Shihab's condition who was positive for COVID-19.

The beginning of this case was when the Medical Emergency Rescue Comitte (MER-C) received a letter from Rizieq Shihab on November 12, 2020. The contents were about a request for a medical examination for accompaniment.

MER-C then sent two doctors to accompany Rizieq. They are dr. Hadiki Habib, dr. Tonggo Meaty Fransica.

About two weeks later, dr. The defendant contacted Hadiki Habib to report the condition of Rizieq Shihab, who was experiencing health complaints.

"Complaints from the abba are still there, and lately it has become gambang tired and somewhat exuberant," said the prosecutor reading out the indictment at the trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Friday, March 19.

Dr. Hadiki then asked permission to check Rizieq Shihab's health. Defendant Hanif Alatas also allowed it. Hanif Alatas then gave the home address or whereabouts of Rizieq Shihab at Mutiara Sentul Housing, Bogor Regency

dr Hadiki also contacted dr. Tonggo and nurse, Ita Muswita, to bring standard medical equipment for examining COVID-19 patients.

After being examined, Rizieq Shihab tested positive for COVID-19. Not only that, Rizieq's wife, Fadlun binti Fadil was also declared to have been exposed to the same virus.

"Dr. Hadiki conducted an antigen swab test on Moh. Rizieq and approximately 16 minutes later Moh. Rizieq's results were positive for COVID-19," said the prosecutor.

"Then Fadlun binti Fadil also carried out an antigen swab test by Dr. Hadiki which results in Fadlun bintu Fadil also tested positive for COVID-19," continued the prosecutor.

With this condition, dr. Hadiki suggested that Rizieq and his wife be treated at the UMMI Hospital, Bogor. Furthermore, the news was delivered by dr. Hadiki to Sarbini Abdul Murad as the MER-C Presidium.

Rizieq and his wife were taken to the Bogor UMMI Hospital for treatment on November 24, 2020.

However, before being treated, Rizieq Shihab and his wife underwent another examination at the UMMI Hospital using interview and radiology methods. The examining doctor, dr. Nerina Mayakartifa diagnosed them with a pulmonary infection due to COVID-19.

Until finally, Rizieq Shihab and his wife underwent treatment in the 5th floor President Suite room number 502. The news about Rizieq who was undergoing treatment was spread. The Managing Director of UMMI Hospital, Dr. Andi Tatat, gave a statement regarding Rizieq Shihab's healthy condition on November 26.

The prosecutor said the defendant Hanif Alatas sent a video containing information on Rizieq Shihab's well-being to Zulfikar via the WhatAapp short message application. The video was then uploaded by the Youtube channel of the UMMI Official Hospital on November 29.

In fact, two days earlier Kompas TV uploaded a video showing the defendant calling Rizieq Shihab in good health. In addition, the video also shows Rizieq Shihab still receiving guests and eating together in the hospital room.

"Even though the statement in the video did not match the results of the antigen swab examination by dr. Hadiki Habib on Rizieq Shihab and his wife who were declared COVID-19, it was confirmed by the results of the examination by dr. Nerina Mayakartifa as in the medical record of UMMI Hospital number 022678 on behalf of Moh. Rizieq with a diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonia, "said the prosecutor.

Muhammad Hanif Alatas was charged with spreading false information about Rizieq Shihab's health condition which was confirmed by COVID-19 while undergoing treatment at the UMMI Hospital, Bogor, West Java.

Muhammad Hanif Alatas was charged with Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), Article 15 of Law Number 1 Year 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations and / or Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 1984 concerning Communicable Disease Outbreaks and / or Article 216 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.