50 Percent Discount Requirements For New Electricity Installation From PLN, Valid Until December 31, 2024
YOGYAKARTA - Good news! PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) Tbk. or PLN provides discounts on the cost of installing electricity up to half the price. Check out the requirements for a 50 percent discount on new electricity pairs in the following review.
Please note, the cost of installing new electricity in 2024 still refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 7 of 2017
According to the regulation, customers who will install new electricity will be subject to connection fees.
This year, PLN will provide a 50 percent discount promo for customers who have installed a 450 VA power connection. The promo is valid until Sunday, December 31, 2024.
So, how much is the cost of installing new electricity in 2024? What conditions must be met in order to get a 50 percent discount for the installation of new electricity? The answer to this question can be seen in the following reviews.
The above has been mentioned that the cost of installing new electricity still refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 27 of 2017.
The following are the details of the cost of installing new electricity at PLN:
In addition to the predetermined costs, customers are also required to pay other costs beyond the installation fee.
Customers will be asked to purchase an initial token (including Road Information Tax) of IDR 50,000 and a Certificate for Implementation Operations in customer homes of IDR 40,000.
Based on information compiled by VOI, Monday, July 8, 2024, the new electricity pair discount only applies to household consumers with a power of 450 VA which does not require an expansion of the electricity network.
In addition, this program can only be accessed by people living in disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost areas.
The cost of installing new electricity for 450 VA power is IDR 421,000. With a discount program, people only need to pay a connection fee of IDR 210,500.
In more detail, here are the complete requirements to get a 50 percent discount on new electricity pairs from PLN:
Launching VOI, how to install new electricity can be done online through the PLN Mobile application.
The following is a guide for submitting a new online electric installation application through the PLN Mobile application:
In addition to the PLN Mobile application, customers can also apply for new electricity installations through the PLN website.
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