For People With Anemia, Here Are 10 Foods That Contain Iron

JAKARTA - A low level of red blood cells is known as anemia. To measure it, a blood test is needed. If the hemoglobin (Hb) level is below normal, you will feel symptoms of anemia.

Symptoms of anemia are recognized by the body feeling tired, weak, pale color, dizzy, cold hands and feet to irregular heartbeat. Anemia in general can be treated by increasing the intake of iron, vitamin B12 and folate.

Although it requires medical examination to ensure that anemia is experienced, the initial symptoms can be relieved by eating foods containing iron.

Iron is an essential mineral that can increase the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. What are these foods? Here's the list:


100 grams of raw spinach, reported by Healthline, Thursday, March 18, contains 2.7 milligrams of iron. This amount is able to meet the daily needs of iron as much as 15 percent. Plus the content of vitamin C which can increase the effectiveness of iron absorption is in spinach.


For those who experience cholesterol, of course this food is not safe for daily consumption. However, for those of you who have anemia, the liver contains 6.5 milligrams of iron for every 100 grams. In fact, the amount of iron in beef liver can meet the vitamin A needs that the body both needs.

Red meat

The iron content in red meat is equivalent to a bunch of spinach, which is 2.7 milligrams for every 100 grams of red meat. Red meat is also rich in protein, zinc, selenium and B vitamins.


In broccoli that has been processed or cooked contains 1 milligram of iron. Although the iron content is lower, there are complete nutrients in this vegetable. Such as vitamin C, folate, fiber, vitamin K, and glucosinolates which can fight cancer.


The next food that contains iron and is suitable for consumption by anemia sufferers is tofu. If you consume 126 grams of tofu in a day, then 19 percent of your iron needs are met. Other ingredients in tofu are protein, calcium, magnesium and selenium.


Based on research, someone whose daily intake includes fish, red meat or poultry is less likely to have anemia. This means that fish and other foods containing iron are recommended for daily consumption.

Illustration of slicing fish (Pexels / Huy Phan)

There are 3 milligrams of iron in 100 grams of shellfish. When choosing mussels, fresh ones are most appropriate because there are various variations of processed shellfish that may have reduced the amount of iron levels. Even so, you don't need to worry when eating shellfish.

There is a content of vitamin B12 in one-third of a kilogram of shellfish. Plus the nutrients in shellfish can increase HDL cholesterol in the blood.


Various variants of nuts are classified as high in nutrition and are recommended in the diet menu. Some of them are peas, peanuts, beans, and soybeans. These types of nuts can increase iron absorption.


Cereals are classified as whole grain foods that are rich in iron. Most precisely, cereals are used as a morning menu combined with fresh fruit and vegetables such as broccoli. For fruits for anemia, it is best to eat strawberries, papayas, tomatoes and grapes.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can increase happiness hormones, in addition to meeting iron needs. In 28 grams of dark chocolate contains 3.4 milligrams of iron. This means that it can meet 19 percent of daily iron needs.