What Do Detox Rahim Drinks Make From? Check Materials And How To Make It Here

YOGYAKARTA Cuterine detox can be a solution to support women's reproductive health. These drinks are made with natural ingredients and are believed to be able to repair reproductive organs, overcome menstrual problems, horminal disorders, prolonged menstruation, and treat fertility problems.

So, what are the natural ingredients that can be used to make uterine detox drinks? Summarized from various sources, Sunday, July 7, 2024, here is the full information.

1. Cinnamon

The natural ingredient for making uterine detox drinks is cinnamon. With its anti-inflammatory nature, mais wood can provide benefits to prevent pain when the uterus contractes.

A study in the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal said cinnamon can prevent stomach dysmenores or cramps during menstruation by reducing the level of prostaglandin.

Prostaglandin is a substance that plays a role in the inflammatory process in the body. When the level decreases, the contraction of the uterine muscles will also decrease.

2. Kapulaga

These herbal ingredients contain flavonoids that can reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and viral infection.

In the CAPula there are various types of antioxidants that are able to protect the body from various diseases.

However, further studies are still needed on how cardamom can help maintain the health of the uterus.

3. Honey

In research conducted by Universiti Puta Malaysia, it shows that visa embedding honey increases the risk of uterine epithelial tissue thinning and maintains endometrium thickness in the female rat uterus.

Please note, problems in uterine tissue can cause various fertility disorders. One of them experienced a meeting of eggs and sperm.

Not only that, honey also contains various other nutrients needed by the body such as phosphate, calcium and iron.

With these benefits, honey can be used as a mixture to make uterine detoxification drinks.

4. Ginger

Ginger is also a natural ingredient that can be used to make detox uterine drinks. Consumption of ginger is routinely believed to balance the production of cortisol hormones in the body.

When cortiso hormone production is controlled, estrogen levels and progesterones will also experience the same thing. Thus, women's fertility will also be maintained.

5. Cengkeh

A study published in the journal Reproductive Sciences states that detoxification with cloves can provide many benefits. One of them is maintaining the health of the reproductive organs of men and women.

These benefits come from the content of eugeno and caryophyllene. These two compounds can reduce the risk of endometrosis, which is a condition in which the uterine net grows outside the uterus.

6. Ketumbar

In addition to increasing the taste of food, ketumbar can also be used to make uterine detox ingredients.

In tumbar, there are natural stimulants that can stimulate endocrine glands that function to secrete and maintain the right hormonal balance.

Quoted from the Yankes Ministry of Health page, here is how to make detox uterine drinks from the natural ingredients mentioned above.

Ingredients for making detox uterine drinks:

How to load detox uterines from natural ingredients:

That's information about uterine detox drinks. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.