Due To The Problem Of Forest And Land Fires A Shared Responsibility

PALEMBANG - Forest fires are not a problem for law enforcement and related ministries. Forest fires are the collective responsibility of every citizen.

South Sumatra. This province is one of the areas prone to forest fires on the island of Sumatra. South Sumatra has potential hotspots that must be guarded at all times.

As a form of concern for the Karhutla problem, PKPI Sumsel cadres offered to help. PKPI cadres are ready to assist the South Sumatra Regional Police in dealing with the Karhutla problem.

The promise was made by the Chairman of the DPP PKPI South Sumatra, Yusmah Reza Zaini when meeting with the South Sumatra Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Dr Eko Indra Heri, Tuesday, March 16.

"In the South Sumatra PKPI there is such a disaster management bureau. Through this bureau, we hope to work together by providing mitigation training against Karhutla," said Reza.

Reza's arrival to the South Sumatra Police was also to introduce himself as a new member of the PKPI. Reza also brought some of the South Sumatra PKPI management.

On this occasion, Reza gave his high appreciation to the South Sumatra Regional Police for handling conditions conducively in the midst of a pandemic situation. Moreover, the South Sumatra Regional Police are indeed famous for their out of the box breakthroughs. At the South Sumatra Regional Police, there is a confession for personnel or members of the South Sumatra Regional Police who have used drugs.

"The police chief conveyed that he was very happy and very grateful if the South Sumatra PKPI could work together to maintain order and security in the South Sumatra region," concluded Reza.