Jokowi Calls Presidential Decree Hasyim Asy'ri Dismissal In The Administrative Process

SINJAI - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) respects the authority of the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) which imposed permanent dismissal sanctions on Hasyim Asy'ari from the chairman of the KPU in cases of sexual harassment.

Jokowi said the government was still carrying out the administrative process to issue a presidential decree regarding the dismissal of Hasyim Asy'ari.

"The Presidential Decree has not yet entered my desk. In the process, the administrative process is usually carried out," said Jokowi when met at the Sinjai District Hospital, South Sulawesi, Thursday, July 4.

Meanwhile, Presidential Special Staff Coordinator Ari Dwipayana said the government respects the decision and will follow up with the issuance of a presidential decision.

"First, the government respects the decision of the DKPP as an institution authorized to handle violations of the election organizer's code of ethics. Second, regarding the sanction of permanent dismissal for KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari by DKPP, it will be followed up with the issuance of a presidential decision," said Ari.

Ari said the Ministry of State Secretariat was still waiting for a copy of the DKPP decision. "(The president's decision was issued) within 7 days after the DKPP decision was read out. Currently, the government is still waiting for a copy of the DKPP decision," said Ari.