22 Terrorist Suspects Brought By Densus 88 From East Java Detained In Cikeas

JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror transferred 22 suspected terrorists who were arrested in the East Java region to Jakarta. The terrorist suspect will be placed in the Terrorist Detention Center in Cikeas, Bogor, West Java.

"So for the 22 suspects will be taken to the Cikeas detention center", said Head of Public Information Bureau, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Thursday, March 18.

Dozens of suspected terrorists belong to the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) network. They were arrested in less than a week.

Even though they were part of the same network, they were arrested at different locations. There are at least six locations in the arrest of the suspected terrorist.

"Since February 26, 2021, until March 2, 2021, colleagues from the Densus 88 Anti-terror have carried out law enforcement against 22 suspected perpetrators of criminal acts of terrorism in East Java", said Rusdi.

"There will be prosecution in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Kediri, Malang and Bojonegoro", he continued.

During the conversation between the dozens of suspected terrorists, the police also confiscated some evidence. Some of them, 1 FN-type weapon with 50 rounds of bullets.