Steps To Check BPJS Employment BLT, Important To Listen!

JAKARTA - The focus of the 2021 State Budget policy is focused on accelerating the acceleration of the National Economic Recovery (PEN). For the PEN program itself, the 2021 State Budget will support its sustainability, especially regarding health care related to the procurement of vaccines and vaccinations.

In addition, PEN will also focus on social protection in the form of BLT BPJS Employment, sectoral K / L and local governments, support for MSMEs and corporate financing, and business incentives. The PEN 2021 program is needed to continue to support the economy, both on the demand and supply side.

Meanwhile, for 2021, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani explained that state revenue has a target of IDR 1,743.6 trillion. This is a level of state revenue that is quite optimistic because Covid is still a factor that must be considered.

The Minister of Finance emphasized that the Government will work very hard in order to achieve the tax and PNBP revenue targets. Then from the state expenditure side, Rp2,750 trillion will be spent, with details of the central government spending reaching Rp.1,954.5 trillion and transfers to the regions of around Rp.795.5 trillion.

BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

One form of PEN is the distribution of salary subsidies or BPJS Ketenagakerjaan cash transfers to the public. This program will continue in 2021 for the next few months.

Regarding the BLT distribution, the Ministry of Manpower had reported that the further distribution was being reconciled by Bank Himbara and the channeling bank. As information was reported last January, there are still 294,160 people who have not received the BPJS Employment BLT.

In March 2021, it is reported that direct cash assistance or BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan will be disbursed. The certainty regarding the disbursement of BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in 2021 has been confirmed by the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah. The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah has confirmed that the BPJS Employment BLT or the 2021 Kemenaker wage subsidy of Rp 1.2 million is disbursed again. However, not all employees will receive BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan of Rp1.2 million.

According to the Minister of Manpower, this wage subsidy BPJS BLT disbursement is only intended for workers who are registered as recipients in batch 1, but have not received them in batch 2.

How to check your employment bpjs

For people who have registered with the BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan but have not received assistance, they can check through the following methods:

1. BPJSTK Mobile Application (BPJSTKU Personal Service)

You must download the BPJSTK Mobile application on Android, iOS and BlackBerry. After successful downloading, register first to receive a PIN. Requirements for registration on the BPJSTK Mobile application include KPJ number (on the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan card), NIK e-KTP, date of birth, and name.

Once registered and logged in, you can find out the membership status of BPJAMSOSTEK. Next select "Digital Card".

After the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan digital card display appears, click on the display, at the bottom you will see the BPJS TK membership status (active / inactive).

2. Website ( login)

Another way to check membership status and JHT balance (check BPJS Ketenagakerjaan) can be done via the page.

The trick is to go to the page, then enter the email address in the user field, and enter the password. After entering, select the service menu. If you have not registered on that page, you can register by:

Go to, then select the registration menu. Fill in the form according to the data for the Active KPJ number, name, date of birth, e-KTP number, biological mother's name, cellphone number, and email. If successful, you will get a PIN. The PIN will then be sent via email and SMS from the registered mobile number.

After you complete the form, a notification status will appear on the dashboard, whether you have been included in the list of recipients of BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan assistance or not with the words:

"You have registered with the BPJS Naker to be proposed as a recipient of assistance. Please check the completeness of your data again with the company where you work."

3. Via SMS

The method via SMS is basically used to check the amount of the JHT balance or check the balance of the online labor bpjs. This JHT balance check can also be used at the same time to find out whether your membership status is active or not.

The steps are to type LIST (space) BALANCE # ID Number # NAME # Date of birth # Participant number, then send an SMS to number 2757. For date of birth the dd-mm-yy format will be used.

4. Come to the branch office

How to check participation status offline or offline is to go directly to the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan office. If you choose this method, you must bring the requirements to check membership, namely KTP and Membership Card.

The distribution of assistance was carried out through Bank Himbara (Association of State-Owned Banks) such as Bank BNI, BRI, BTN, and Mandiri. In addition, it can also be done through private banks such as BCA, Danamon, CIMB Niaga, and others.

Those are the steps for checking the BLT BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Take your time and follow the methods outlined above. If all the data match, you will automatically be confirmed as a recipient of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan BLT. The important data that needs to be prepared when confirming an account is the NIK, full name, bank name, and account number in the passbook.

Good luck!

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