Reported To Propam About Alleged Ethics, West Sumatra Police Chief: I'm Not A Crime Perpetrator, LBH Is Sacred

JAKARTA - The West Sumatra Police Chief (West Sumatra) Inspector General Suharyono responded to the steps taken by the Advocacy team for the Anti-Terrorism Civil Society Coalition which reported it to the Police Propam Division for alleged ethical violations in handling the case of Afif Maulana's death.

According to him, reporting is the right of the community. However, it is emphasized that he is not a perpetrator of crimes and the process of handling the Afif Maulana case has complied with the rules.

"Please (report). I am not a perpetrator of crime, I am a defender of the truth," said Suharyono, quoted on Thursday, July 4.

In fact, the two-star general had said that LBH Padang was the mastermind behind the narrative of Afif Maulana's death due to the torture of police officers.

"If our institution is trampled on and gapped, then who is not angry? LBH is pretending to be holy," he said.

"He arranged the scenario and alibi in such a way, as if the prediction was the most correct," continued Suharyono.

He emphasized that Afif Maulana's death was not due to torture by the police but by jumping from the 12-meter-high Bypass Kuranji bridge.

This is based on evidence and witness statements that investigators have collected during the investigation and investigation process.

"We are responsible that we believe, based on strong testimony and evidence (Afif Maulana) jumped into the river to secure himself, as he invited Adhitya. Not being persecuted by the police, that's our belief," said Suharyono.

Meanwhile, not only the West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Suharyono was reported for alleged ethical violations of the Afif Maulana death case. However, the Padang Police and the Jatantras Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Padang Police were also reported.