Indonesia Forced To Resign From All England 2021, The Indonesian Embassy Will Ensure There Is No Discrimination

JAKARTA - All members of the Indonesian badminton team, both athletes, coaches and officials, were forced to withdraw from the prestigious Yonex All England 2021 tournament due to the COVID-19 health protocol so they could not continue the match.

According to Indonesian Team Manager Ricky Soebagdja, during a flight from Istanbul to Birmingham on Saturday March 13, there was one passenger who tested positive for COVID-19.

"However, we were not told who, how many people, and where did the person who tested positive for COVID-19 come from," said Ricky, Manager of Yonex All England 2021 Indonesia Team in an official statement from PBSI in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, March 18.

Meanwhile, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) in London, England, in a statement received by VOI, delivered a number of statements. The Indonesian Embassy said it had coordinated with the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports and Indonesian Team Manager Ricky Subagja.

"The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs has also provided clear directions, to ensure that there is no discrimination and unfair treatment of the participation of Indonesian badminton athletes in the All England tournament," said the Indonesian Embassy in London.

The Indonesian Embassy in London also mentioned, the Indonesian Ambassador Dr. Desra Percaya has been in direct contact with the British Ambassador in Jakarta Owen Jenkins and asked him to intervene with the British Health Authority (NHS) in several matters.

"Ensuring the reasons and narrative of the obligation to be self-isolating for 10 days. There will be no discrimination and unfair treatment against Indonesian athletes. The option is the possibility of taking action to allow Indonesian athletes to continue competing in All England,"

The Indonesian Embassy in London today will also approach British authorities, especially the National Health Service (NHS) and BWF as tournament organizers. As well as ensuring that there are issues of isolation for 10 days and that there is no discrimination and unfair treatment of Indonesian athletes.