Suharso Calls The Implementation Of The Circular Economy To Increase GDP To IDR 638 Trillion

JAKARTA - Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa encourages Indonesia to be able to implement a circular economy in realizing a green economy.

Suharso said that by implementing a circular economy, it could encourage the implementation of refuse, retink, reduce, reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture, repurpose, recycle and recover.

"The implementation of the circular economy in five priority sectors, namely food, electronics, plastic packaging, construction and textiles will provide benefits, including an increase in GDP to IDR 638 trillion by 2030," said Suharso at the Green Economy Expo 2024: Advancing Technology, Innovation and Circality at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 3.

In addition, the implementation of a circular economy can also create as many as 4.4 million green jobs, of which 75 percent are female workers.

Another benefit is that it can reduce waste accumulation by up to 52 percent compared to business as usual by 2030 and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 126 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).

In his presentation, Suharso said, actually the application of circular economic principles without realizing it had been widely applied in everyday life.

For example, making repairs to a damaged item so that it can be reused. Then also sorting waste to support recycling, such as plastic waste, electronics and textiles.

The circular economy is an economic model that aims to minimize the use of resources, design a product to have the power to serve as long as possible and restore the rest of the production and consumption process into the value chain.