Gibran Admits That The Acting Governor Heru Budi Blusukan Has Permitted In Jakarta

JAKARTA - Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka admitted that he visited a number of Jakarta areas on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, to shop for public problems. Regarding this agenda, Gibran admitted that he had asked for permission from the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono.

"Yes, basically I have permission from the Acting Governor to shop for problems, and he has allowed it," said Gibran.

The series of Gibran blusukan activities started from the Menteng Wadas area, Setiabudi South Jakarta then Tanah Tinggi, Johar Baru until they ended up in Nangka Market, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. He greeted residents and distributed books and milk to them.

"Today we go to three points. This is an area that needs special attention, there are slum areas, here there is a market, basically in the future places like this, especially those in Jakarta, yes, we will give full attention," said Gibran in front of the media crew.

Regarding his arrival to a number of densely populated areas, Gibran revealed that he would pay attention to sanitation and access to welfare for residents. Including efforts to reduce stunting and facilitate health services for them.

He also said that this visit was to encourage improvements in traditional markets in a number of areas. So that later it can be cleaner and more comfortable and makes it easier for residents to shop.

"So the market can be more crowded, more proper, cleaner and also those who buy a lot of food," said Gibran.

In this activity, Gibran did not come alone but invited the figure of celebrity Raffi Ahmad. He helped Gibran distribute notebooks and milk to residents.

The two of them met a number of elderly people (elderly) and had a short lecture. Raffi and Gibran also repeatedly served requests for photos together from residents, especially from among mothers.