Hasto PDIP Will Be Examined Again? KPK: Investigators Have Completed Plans

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said investigators must have a strategy in the case being handled.

This was conveyed by KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika when asked about the schedule for the examination of the PDI-P Secretary General (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto regarding the Harun Masiku case, which is still at large. He said, there was no need to speculate because the summons would be made according to the needs of investigators.

"Yes, I think we'll just have to wait," Tessa told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, quoted on Wednesday, July 3.

Tessa said it was impossible to call witnesses whose statements were not needed. "Currently investigators certainly have an investigation plan," he said.

They have compiled which witnesses will be summoned according to their needs and authority. So just wait," continued the spokesman with the investigator's background.

As previously reported, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said he was ready to be summoned again regarding the Harun Masiku case in July. He must be present at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

"Yes, it's ready," said Hasto to reporters at the Senayan Eastern Parking, Jakarta, Sunday, June 30.

Hasto said he would carry out a doctoral exam on July 4. However, the former member of the DPR RI is ready if he has to be summoned in front of his academic activities.

Meanwhile, the plan to investigate Hasto regarding the Harun Masiku case in July was conveyed by KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata.

It is known that Hasto had undergone an examination as a witness in the Harun Masiku case on Monday, June 10. However, he asked for a postponement because he did not accept his cellphone and personal belongings were confiscated by investigators from the staff accompanying him, Kusnadi.

"If I'm not mistaken in July, the person concerned asked to be scheduled," Alex told reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, South Jakarta, Wednesday, June 12.