Bareskrim Investigate Case Of Alleged Corruption Of PT SPR BUMD In Riau

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Corruption Crimes (Dittipidkor) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is investigating the alleged corruption case of the Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) PT Sarana Pembangunan Riau (SPR).

"It is true that the investigation. (Former Riau Governor Syamsuar) was not examined, asked for information, clarified," said Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation of the National Police, Kombes Pol. Arief Adiharsa Tuesday, July 2. The middle-ranking National Police does not want to explain what corruption cases are being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, including who the reporter is and when the report was received by investigators. The case was closed by the local High Prosecutor's Office.

This case is also not related to allegations of corruption involving the BUMD PT Sarana Pembangunan Riau (SPR).

"It's not that case. I can't reveal it yet, it's still an investigation," said Arief. Separately, the Director of Criminal Investigation at the Riau Police, Kombes Nasriadi, confirmed the examination of the former Riau Governor. In this case, he said, the Riau Police only assisted Bareskrim Polri investigators in conducting investigations.

"We received a letter from Bareskrim Polri, from the Directorate of Corruption Crimes to 'back-up' and prepare a place," he said.

According to him, the request letter for the examination was received three days ago and the examination was carried out for three days.