Tak Ngotot Usung Kader Jadi Pendampingan Anies Di Pilgub DKI, Ini Alasan PKB

JAKARTA - PKB Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) Jazilul Fawaid explained the reason his party did not insist on carrying party cadres in the DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election as a companion to Anies Baswedan.

In fact, all parties that have legislative seats for the nomination certainly want their cadres to be promoted in the regional elections.

However, Jazilul said that PKB must first consider the tug of office which would later be agreed upon with coalition parties.

This was revealed by Jazilul at the PKB DPP Office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, July 7 evening.

"I often ask, should Mr. Anies be accompanied by PKB cadres? Yes, he wants from PKB cadres. He wants it. But what other parties do you want?" said Jazilul.

On the one hand, Jazilul also admitted that PKB does not have cadres who have high electability on the candidate exchange for Governor-Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"Are there PKB cadres? There are many. There are many cadres. But do they have electoral ones? That's also a problem," he said.

PKB, Jazilul emphasized, is still opening up space for communication with other political parties to determine who will accompany Anies to advance in the Jakarta Pilkada contestation.

"The bigger the coalition, the easier it will be to win, that's DKI. So today, PKB will still open itself up, as the party that first brought Mr. Anies, will also communicate with other parties," he said.

Thus, Jazilul asked the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) not to insist on pairing Anies Baswedan with his cadres, Sohibul Iman, as a candidate for Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.

According to Jazilul, the right selection of figures to become Anies Baswedan's pair in the 2024 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election still needs to be discussed. Not only between PKS and PKB, but also other political parties that have the opportunity to form a coalition.

"PKS friends are patient first, to then sit together with other parties, so they don't just lock up the two parties," he concluded.