National Police Chief Utus Itwasum Until Propam Checks Case Investigation Afif Maulana

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo sent the Professional and Security Division (Propam) to the General Inspectorate (Itwasum) to ensure the investigation process according to the rules in his death case, Afif Maulana, in Kuranji, Padang, West Sumatra.

The West Sumatra Regional Police previously claimed that Afif Maulana had died as a result of falling or plunging from the Kuranji bridge while running away from being chased by the police.

"Sudah turun dari mabes, tim Itwasum, Propam untuk cek penyidikan dan proses yang dilakukan," ujar Sigit saat dikonfirmasi, Selasa, 2 Juli.

Not only that, Sigit also stated that a team from Bareskrim Polri had been asked for supervision. Thus, the handling of the case is getting better.

"We have also asked the Bareskrim team for supervision," he said.

On the other hand, it is also emphasized that the handling of this case will not be covered up.

Evidently, there were sanctions against 17 members of the Directorate of Samapta Bhayangkara (Sabhara) of the West Sumatra Police who violated the rules for securing brawls.

The dozens of members abused the teenagers in the form of rokrok longing and so on. "The ethical process case shows that nothing is covered up and if there is a criminal case, it will also be followed up," said Sigit.

Afif Maulana was found dead on the surface of the river under the Kuranji Bridge at around 11.55 WIB on Sunday, June 9. The findings were then reported to the Kuranji Sector Police (Polsek).

Based on the report, the police immediately went to the location and conducted further investigations.

Prior to the discovery of the victim's body, there was friction between a group of motorbikes and a number of police officers who were carrying out their duties.

At that time, a group of teenagers were in a convoy on the street using a motorbike carrying sharp weapons.

West Sumatra Police personnel who saw the incident immediately approached to disperse them, as well as securing the perpetrators to anticipate the brawl that was rampant in Padang.

Police officers arrested dozens of perpetrators, dozens of sharp weapons scattered at the location, including the motorcycle belonging to the victim Afif Maulana driven by his friend.