Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Treats Nurse To Eat And Give Shopping Vouchers

BOGOR - The nurses in Bogor City received appreciation and awards in the form of shopping vouchers and treated to a meal by the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya Sugiarto. This appreciation was given to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI).

PPNI member nurses in Bogor City were treated to lunch and received services from Bima Arya at two restaurants, namely a Japanese restaurant on Jalan Raya Padjajaran and a Thai restaurant on Jalan Vila Duta, Bogor City.

At a Japanese restaurant, Bima Arya with a number of COVID-19 survivors served lunch nurses. Bima delivered the food to the table of the nurses who had been in place.

Likewise at a Thai restaurant, Bima Arya also delivered food that had been ordered by the nurses. Bima said the name of the nurse according to his food order. When the nurse's name was called and answered, Bima then delivered the food to his table.

The nurses were surprised and excited. When a nurse tried to come to Bima Arya to get his food, Bima said to just sit in his place and the food would be delivered.

After the food was delivered, many nurses asked for a "selfie" photo with Bima Arya. In fact, there were several nurses who made a video with Bima and asked Bima to wish him a happy PPNI birthday.

Bima Arya, who initiated the activity to treat lunch with his services, said the activity was a form of appreciation and gratitude for the residents of Bogor City for the dedication of the nurses who have struggled to serve COVID-19 patients, during one pandemic year.

According to Bima Arya, there were around 3,130 PPNI member nurses in Bogor City who received shopping vouchers and were treated to lunch at a restaurant in Bogor City for three days, on March 17-19.

"This activity was held at the initiative of the Bogor City Government with the support of around 100 business actors in the city of Bogor," he said.

Bima said that a year ago, on March 18, 2020, when he was confirmed positive for COVID-19. Bima Arya at that time was being treated in the isolation room of the Bogor City Hospital.

During his treatment at the hospital, he was treated by a team of health workers, including doctors and nurses. "The struggles and services of doctors and nurses have saved the lives of many residents of Bogor City," he said.

Therefore, on the commemoration of PPNI's 47th anniversary, Bima Arya, supported by businessmen, responded to the nurses' struggle by giving shopping vouchers and buying lunch.