Ransomware Hacked National Data Center, MK Ensures Service Is Not Disturbed

JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) ensures that their trial services are not affected by disturbances at the National Data Center (PDN) or PDNS 2.

"That (case data) is safe. The active case data we use is here (the MK server room)," said Head of the Information and Communication Technology Center of the Constitutional Court Sigit Purnomo when met at Building 1 MK, Jakarta, Monday, July 1, confiscated by Antara.

Sigit explained that the Constitutional Court placed several data on servers located at PDNS 1 and PDNS 2 after the issuance of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 95 of 2018 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems.

The data placed in PDNS are the Constitutional Journal and the Constitutional Review Journal of 2023 until early 2024, AACC (The Association of Asian Constitutional Courts) data, and WCCJ (World Conference on Constitutional Justice) data.

He explained that the data in PDNS was used in the One Data Indonesia service managed by Bappenas and the Government Service Liaison System.

With a one-stream data system, he continued, ministries and institutions can access MK data through one door.

"For example, the DPR needs MK data, they just need to take it from one Indonesian Data and the Government Service Liaison System. The data is there," he said.

Although the data was affected by the disturbance, it can still be accessed on the official website of the Constitutional Court, namely mkri.id. He also ensured that the affected data would be re-renewed by his team because the Constitutional Court still has backup data.

Regarding the protection of data on MK servers, he said that his party continues to thicken protection on server storage and also backup data.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto ensured that service for the Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) 2 recovered this month.

Efforts made by Hadi and the ranks of the Ministry of Communication and Information and the National Cyber Password Agency (BSSN) are to back up or back up PDNS 2 with cold sites that will be improved by hot sites in Batam.

It did not stop there, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs also sought to protect the multi-layered data from PDNS 2 with clouds monitored directly by BSSN.

"Each data center owner also has a backup so that there are at least three layers to four layers of backup, then we will also backup it with a backup cloud," said Hadi.