Admitting Communication With The Central Java Police Chief, Taj Yasin Is Still Waiting For Political Parties Regarding The Central Java Gubernatorial Election

JAKARTA - Former Deputy Governor (Deputy Governor) of Central Java (Central Java) Taj Yasin Maimoen admitted that he was still waiting for political party recommendations ahead of the 2024 Central Java gubernatorial election (Pilgub).

"The election system is determined by political parties. I am waiting for who will be promoted, who will be supported as a candidate for Governor of Central Java," said Taj Yasin in Semarang, Monday, July 1, as quoted by Antara.

If they have to be paired with other candidates as well, he continued, they must wait for recommendations from political parties.

However, he admitted that he had communicated with a number of figures whose names appeared ahead of the Central Java gubernatorial election, such as Kendal Regent Dico Ganundito, LKPP Head Hendrar Prihadi, and Central Java Gerindra Party Chairman Sudaryono.

In fact, the elected candidate for DPD RI member also established communication with the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Ahmad Luthfi.

"Discussing about the regional elections later can run well, producing good leaders," he said.

Regarding the billboards about who paired himself as a candidate for Deputy Governor paired with Ahmad Luthfi ahead of the 2024 Pilkada, Taj Tasin admitted that he did not know who installed it.

However, he respects the adult people of Central Java in choosing and determining the direction of the regional elections on Wednesday, November 27, 2024.