SYL Family Returns Rp600 Million, KPK: It's In Accounts But Hasn't Been Confiscated

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) confirmed that there was money deposited by the family of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. The value is temporarily up to Rp600 million.

"The temporary information we got was almost Rp600 million," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika to reporters quoted on Monday, July 1.

Tessa said the money was still in a holding account. "It hasn't been confiscated yet, so it just came in," he said.

The spokesman with the investigator's background stated that the confiscation was only carried out after the transfer documents from Syahrul's family were handed over to investigators. "(Later, ed) someone will carry out confiscations, be given confiscated duties, receipts," he explained.

Furthermore, Tessa ensured that this refund would not erase the alleged criminal incident. "Later, if the investigator feels that there is sufficient evidence, to increase the new investigation, of course it will be studied later," he said.

"And exposure is carried out at the deputy level and exposure of the leadership," continued Tessa.

As previously reported, Indira Chunda Thita and Kemal Redindo, who are children of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo, returned Rp600 million to the KPK. The money is a substitute for purchasing tickets when going to Umrah to Mecca using Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) funds.

"The use of money by the family by Pak Dindo and Bu Tita has been returned to the state through the KPK," said Syahrul's attorney, Djamaluddin Koedoeboen to VOI, Wednesday, June 26.

The refund was returned to the KPK on Tuesday, June 25. The nominal value is around Rp600 million.

"Mr. Dindo's Umrah tickets are around Rp. 300 million and Mrs. Tita is also around that. Return other facilities as well," he said.

In addition, Syahrul's family has also returned Rp2 billion to the KPK through a deposit account. This step is referred to as proof of Syahrul's family commitment that has been submitted at trial.

"The Rp2 billion money was returned by the family," said Djamaluddin.