Elpala SMA 68 Expedition Team, Summit Attack On Mount Kerinci

JAKARTA - The Expedition Team of Mount Kerinci Elpala SMA 68, finally arrived at a peak of 3,805 meters above sea level this morning, Sunday, June 30, after climbing for approximately 3 hours from Shelter 1.

This climb is a tremendous achievement for students, who have prepared physically and mentally to face natural challenges. The climbers arrived at Shelter 3, Saturday, June 29 afternoon, and spent the night so they could perform the summit attack which started early this morning. They continued their journey to the top with high enthusiasm and careful preparation.

Kerinci's expedition led by Taufan Novriyanda, an experienced climber from Mapala UI and a member of Elpala SMA 68, this expedition went smoothly. Taufan, with his extensive experience in the world of climbing, ensures that each team member is in the best condition and ready to face all possibilities.

"The cohesiveness and enthusiasm of the team in climbing is one of the keys to the success of this climb," said Taufan.

Before reaching the peak, the expedition members revitalized the Yudha Sentika inscription, a tribute to the missing members of Elpala SMA 68 on June 23, 1990. This inscription is located on the hiking trail and is a symbol of sacrifice and the fighting spirit of Elpala members who have preceded them. This revitalization activity was carried out solemnly and with dedication, considering the services of Yudha Sentika in the Elpala community.

"The revitalization of this inscription is not just a physical activity, but also a reflection moment for Elpala members," said Daron AA Rahardianto, a 68 high school teacher who participated in the climb.

On that occasion, they reflected on the values of courage, sacrifice, and solidarity that had been inherited by Yudha Sentika. This moment became very emotional and deep, reminding them of the importance of maintaining the legacy and fighting spirit of the community.

In addition to revitalizing the inscription, the climbing team also produced a documentary film. This project is directed by Eka Bama Putra, with Indira Sarasvati as producer, and Dar Edi Yoga acting as executive producer. This documentary aims to capture important moments during the ascent and illustrate the enthusiasm and struggle of Elpala members in achieving the highest peak in Sumatra.

The process of making this documentary involves many technical and logistical challenges. The production team must work in uncertain weather conditions and heavy terrain. However, with solid cooperation and high enthusiasm, they managed to capture these epic climbing moments. This documentary is expected to inspire many people and provide a clear picture of the dedication of Elpala members.

The climbers who took part in this expedition, apart from Elpala, participated in film crews, students from Bengkulu Forestry University, Pekanbaru Forestry Vocational School, TNKS, and a number of journalists.

"This increase is not only a historic moment for Elpala members, but also a testament to their solidarity and dedication to the community," said Elpala Founder Dar Edi Yoga.

With the spirit of never giving up, they managed to overcome various natural challenges that confronted them during the ascent. Each step they take is accompanied by high enthusiasm to honor their predecessors and bring the good name of Elpala SMA 68.

This expedition is expected to be an inspiration for other young people to continue to preserve the spirit of adventure and love for nature. The documentary they made will also witness the silentness of this epic journey, capturing the moments full of meaning and inspiration for the audience. Members of Elpala SMA 68 have proven that with cooperation, enthusiasm, and dedication, there is no such high peak to achieve.

The climbers from Elpala consisted of Taufan Novriyanda, Aditya Tristantio, Gunthur Adji Prastyo, Abi Yusuf, Daron AA Rahardianto, Indira Sarasvati, Marijuana Dianne A Mandagie, Tomi Budiarto, Eka Bama Putra, Susan Indawati, Ona Fransisca, Eko Hari Susilo Budi, Bhatara Dave Rondonuwu, Tetania Rudyka, Wariani Krihnayanni, Sriwinarsih Maria Kirana, Bintang Asyam Susilopudi, Reza Aulia, and Sara Stefanie Adinda Mandagie.