Business Success Must Also Be Supported By IT Security

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic, on the other hand, has triggered a new leap in digital transformation among the public, which is marked by the increasingly massive use of the internet with increasing bandwidth requirements. However, in the midst of this increasing digitalization trend, the threat of cyber crime is also becoming increasingly alarming with various modes of attack.

The adoption of digital technology and use of the internet during a pandemic shows a significant increase. Not only in the business world and industry (business), various institutions and organizations, including government agencies, are also increasing the adoption of information technology and digitization to support their activities. This is included in efforts to provide easy services for the public or customers in the midst of a pandemic through an online-based system.

The COVID-19 outbreak has also forced and made many people aware that everything is possible through the internet network, which makes cyber space increasingly lively with various activities. Starting from socializing, learning activities (education), earning a living (work from home / WFH), financial and business transactions, online shopping, digital financial payments, entertainment, and other online activities.

Based on a survey by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) in 2019 to the second quarter of 2020 (the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia), the number of internet users in Indonesia has experienced an upward trend, reaching 196.7 million people, equivalent to 73 , 7 percent of the population in Indonesia.

This figure shows that cyber space, now no longer belongs only to middle class people who are "internet literate", but also becomes a new space for the wider community who are compelled to use it to fulfill their daily needs amid the COVID-19 pandemic and this new era of normality. .

The trend of increasing digitalization is good news, especially in relation to the increasing capability of society in adapting to the demands of this information technology development. But on the other hand, this phenomenon is also followed by increasing cyber security threats which are also increasingly worrying. Moreover, the increasing number of internet users are still unfamiliar with cybersecurity.

This condition is also used by cyber threat actors to increase the action of various attacks in various modes, ranging from phishing, Cyber Espionage, ransomware and other attacks. Indonesia is even increasingly being tested with cases of data leakage of up to millions of online shopping site users some time ago.

Meanwhile, based on data from the National Cyber Security Operations Center (Pusopskamsinas) - National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), there has been a significant increase in cyber attacks that have occurred since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Based on the monitoring of the BSSN Pusopskamsinas, there was anomaly of attack traffic against Indonesia during 2020, from January 1 to December 2020 which detected 495,337,202 cyber attacks occurred in Indonesia or increased up to two times compared to the previous year. Most attacks are in the form of trojan malware that can damage a system or steal data.

Head of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN), Lieutenant General TNI (Purn) Hinsa Siburian in an event entitled "ItWorks Webinar Series" said, the COVID-19 pandemic has become a disruption in human civilization, which has changed the lifestyle and work patterns of all nations in Indonesia. world. According to him, society is increasingly dependent on the use of the internet.

But on the other hand, the increase in digital activity during the COVID-19 pandemic is also directly proportional to the increase in cyber attacks which have also increased significantly, attacking almost all regions of the world, including Indonesia.

"Threats and risks of cyber attacks increase along with the increasing number of internet users and digital community activities. In several cases that occurred during this pandemic, threat actors also continued to increase attacks, including taking advantage of the COVID-19 issue. Indonesia was also affected by the global cybersecurity case. This. Cyber attacks can happen anytime and to anyone, "said Hinsa Siburian in a statement received, Wednesday, March 17.

He added that, increasing vulnerability and increasing the threat of cyber crime, on the other hand, must be balanced with efforts to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of maintaining and increasing resilience from the threat of cyber crime.

"President Joko Widodo on one occasion emphasized the importance of data protection and cybersecurity in this digital era. In his speech on August 16, 2019, President Jokowi gave a message and said: We must be prepared to face the threat of cyber crime, including data misuse. Data is a new type of wealth. our nation, now data is more valuable than oil. Now in this case, the task of BSSN RI is to carry out government duties in the field of cybersecurity and code to assist the president in running the government. In the field of defense and security, we must also be responsive and ready to face this cyber war. , "he explained.

Tri Haryanto, as the IT Manager of PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) shared his experience as a person in charge of the ICT field of PT Jasa Raharja who has also used security solutions to support the operations of the head office, branches, and also supports the performance of employees who carry out WFH in the midst of a pandemic. This COVID-19.

"In the midst of a pandemic, we have implemented a flexible work system, working from anywhere with mobile devices with an integrated IT network system. Including relationships with branch offices, employees, and customers. Of course this really requires a reliable and secure network. The network system is hacked, our operations will be hampered. Therefore, we are very concerned about this, we have used Fortinet solutions and so far have been able to support the smooth running of our operations, both at the center and our relationships with all branch offices, "he said.