How Has The Character Changed For Men Aged 50 Years? This Is According To The Expert

JAKARTA - From birth to old age, physical changes can be seen clearly. Hair begins to turn white, energy begins to be limited, and what about the character of men aged 50 years and over? According to the study of several experts, character changes occur during the life phase.

A person's character is influenced by experience, social environment, family environment, and little genetic interference. Character implications on the traits a person has. In the middle age phase or leaving the age of 40 and entering the age of 50, the character of a man will change.

Reporting from the New York Times, Wednesday, March 17, since the early 40s men have decreased testosterone 1 percent every year. This stage is considered by some doctors as male menopause resistant or known as andropause.

Physically, men in the 40 to 50s age group tend to have a close risk of diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Body weight tends to increase easily because metabolism has decreased. Meanwhile, changes in the character of men aged 50 years from various experts are as follows:

More forgiving and understanding

Lynell Ross, a health and fitness coach reveals that when someone turns 50, they are usually not only wiser but also kinder, forgiving, and more understanding.

Experience has varied with age so that we can weigh and decide what to forgive and improve.

Avoid risky choices

In a review of relationships, a clinical psychologist, Carissa Caulston, PhD reveals that a person at the age of 50 is not easily tempted by risky choices including starting to build new relationships.

All considerations will be carefully thought out so that decisions are not taken carelessly. Robert Thomas, a sex therapist, says that men as young as 50 have limited active hours. For example, at 10 PM I am tired, so I prefer to use it for important things only.

More reflective

Men as young as 50 may face a lot of negative self-assessments, says Thomas. Attention to self is increasingly focused but shows a need for attention from other parties.

Better understand responsibility

After experiencing several phases of life. The character of a 50-year-old man is much different from a 20-year-old who is just having fun. At the age of 50, they better understand their responsibilities, how to care for their spouse, children, parents or other family members.

Illustration of a man aged 50 years (Unsplash / Christian Buehner)
Goal-oriented and difficult to compromise with others

Gail Saltz, MD., A professor of psychiatry at the New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine, says that in their 50s a person will have patterns of behavior and feelings related to values, goals, and ideas about how life should work.

When goals, values, and ideas are unanimous, it is very difficult to make compromises with things that are not in line, including compromises with other people who have different goals.

It's hard to accept people you don't like

With regard to the character of a man aged 50 years from the points above, at this age a person will be much more confident in how to assess himself. That means it will be more difficult and impatient for the person you don't like.