The Algorithm Decides Dewa_Kipas To Play Cheating

JAKARTA - The viral anomaly of Dadang Subur aka Dewa_Kipas because he beat professional chess player Levy Rozman aka GothamChess has entered a new chapter. The platform finally decided if Dewa_Kipas was cheating.

Through its official account, said that the Dadang Subur game statistics on its website had been observed by the Fair Play team, which consists of seven staff whose tasks are similar to those of data scientists. Where revealed the main reason why Dadang Subur's Dewa_Kipas chess account was blocked.

"Our algorithms and team of experts reviewed dozens of games and hundreds of moves to determine our findings, and nothing about closings being made hastily or without going through our standard, tested, and very thorough review process," said the Director of Fair Play., Sean Arn, as quoted by Wired, Wednesday, March 16.

"The evidence is clear that these players are using outside help to improve their chess performance, and we will do the same closure every time we are presented with this data," continued Arn.

A similar answer was also conveyed by Operations Director, Danny Rensch if the Algorithm at has been verified by an independent third party. One of them is Natesh S. Pillai, professor in the Department of Statistics at Harvard University.

"We work in the context of our experience of understanding the level of play of the best chess players in the world today," said Rensch.

Rensch compared the Fair Play team's work to the anti-doping rules of the International Olympic Committee. The committee can find out what the highest level the world's best athletes can achieve under standard conditions.

If something happens beyond that level - for example, a winning streak by a player who doesn't have a ranking certificate - then it is certain that the player concerned is cheating.

In the case of Dewa_Kipas, such anomaly was first revealed by Levy Rozman himself, the owner of the GothamChess account. He was amazed to see Dewa_Kipas being able to collect a thousand points in one month, until his ranking rose to the level of 2,300.

Moreover, the Dewa_Kipas account does not show a certified master label, for example by the World Chess Federation (FIDE). So from's assessment, "very, very certain" if the anomaly of Dewa_Kipas game is a case of cheating.