The Security Guard From Manado Successfully Becomes A Supervisor After Participating In The Pre-Employment Card, Jokowi: That Means You Are Clever Too

JAKARTA - Exactly one year the training program plus the Pre-Employment Card incentive is running. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also invited 30 participants from various regions who had participated in the program to the State Palace and the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs.

On this occasion, Jokowi had a direct dialogue with the participants. One of the things that caught Jokowi's attention was a man named Stevenley Rio (42) from Manado. He got a job after attending the Pre-Employment Card training.

"Today I am very interested in the one in Manado, Stevenley, used to be a security guard. Then he was laid off and now a supervisor, taking graphic design training," he said in a briefing by the President of the Republic of Indonesia to Recipients of 2020-2021 Pre-Employment Cards in a virtual manner, Wednesday, March 17th.

Jokowi also asked Stevenley to tell him how he got laid off (PHK), then signed up for a pre-employment card so he could become a supervisor after attending the training.

In front of Jokowi, Rio, his nickname, said that he was fired because the company where he worked as a security guard closed out of business at the beginning of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. To fulfill his daily needs, Rio then worked odd jobs until he became an online motorcycle taxi driver.

"Incidentally, during the pandemic, I opened social media and met the Pre-employment Card. I registered for batch three at the time. There were no difficulties, Sir, immediately accepted," said Rio.

Hearing Rio's answer, Jokowi again emphasized that there were no difficulties in registering for the Pre-employment Card program.

"The list was in batch three and was immediately accepted? It means that Mr. Rio is very clever and was immediately accepted," said Jokowi, who was greeted by laughter from all who attended the event.

Rio continued his story. He said that he took and completed training in marketing.

Then, he also tried to get back into the world of work armed with a pre-employment certificate. He also managed to get a job as a supervisor at one of the cellular operator companies in the area.

"There is acceptance at the cellular operator company, I have included a Pre-employment certificate. I was called, offered initially an employee of the poster installation," he said.