Menkumham Yasonna: File Of The Democrat KLB Reported 2 Days Ago

JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly revealed that his party had received the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) file in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra two days ago. Currently his party is researching Moeldoko camp's Democrat artai file.

"The application document for endorsement of the management of the KLB results was submitted two days ago, now it is in the file review stage," said Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 17.

In the research, Kemenkumham said he would look at the provisions of the law as well as the party's Statutes and Bylaws (AD / ART). Including looking at the KLB implementation document and its legality.

"Later, for example, if it is not complete, we will give it time," said Menkumham Yasonna.

He said that if during the research phase the relevant ministries found an incomplete file, the Democrat Party version of KLB Deli Serdang, North Sumatra must immediately complete it.

"If they cannot complete it, for example, it will be another story," he said.

Therefore, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will study and preview the completeness of the submitted documents. Kemenkumham is also examining the files one by one.

For example, the management structure must be ascertained whether it is really included in the management of the party bearing the mercy symbol or not.

Regarding the processing time for Moeldoko's Democrat Party files, the PDI-P politician hopes that it can be completed in a short time so that it doesn't drag on.

"If I have made a decision they are still at odds, then they are the ones fighting in court," he said.