2 ASN In Tigaraksa District Play Online Gambling

TANGERANG - A total of 2 State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and 1 non-ASN sub-district Tigaraksa are indicated to be involved in online gambling. This was known after an examination was carried out by the Tigaraksa sub-district, Cucu Abdurosyied with the police. "There are indications of 3 people that we found. 2 ASN and 1 non-ASN," said Cucu to reporters at the Tigaraksa sub-district office, Tangerang Regency, Thursday, June 27. Grandson said, for his staff who indicated playing online gambling, a statement was given so as not to return to playing online gambling. We try to do more in-depth coaching. Then later make a statement so as not to repeat their actions,'' he said. The grandson also explained, the purpose of conducting online gambling raids (judols) to ensure that no ASN in his ranks played online gambling. We must carry out leadership directions, not be involved in online gambling,'' he concluded.