Taruna Nusantara High School Entrance Fees For The 2025/2026 Academic Year, Registration Opened December 2024

YOGYAKARTA Taruna Nusantara High School (TN) in Magelang, Central Java is one of the best schools in Indonesia. This school is always targeted by thousands of junior high school students to continue their education. So, how much is the cost of entering Taruna Nusantara High School?

It should be noted that the schedule for New Student Admissions (PPDB) at Taruna Nusantara High School is different from the acceptance of new students at the high school level in general.

SMA TN has begun to open registration for new students at the end of the year. At PPDB SMA Taruna for the 2024/2025 school year, registrants have been opened from December 21, 2023 to January 5, 2024.

Thus, 9th grade students who want to enter TN High School in the new academic year 2025/2026, need to prepare themselves from now on. This includes knowing the amount of entry fees for Taruna Nusantara High School.

According to the official Taruna Nusantara High School website, the entrance fee for TN High School is divided into three categories according to the registration path for new students, namely the school contribution route (IS), the Special Contribution route (KK), and the scholarship route (BS).

In each lane, there are four financing components that students must pay, including:

The amount of the financing component varies depending on the registration path taken by prospective students.

The following is complete information about the entrance fee for Taruna Nusantara High School which can be used as a reference if you want to register for this school at the end of 2024.

1. School dues

Students who are accepted at Taruna Nusantara High School through school fees are required to pay a number of financing components, such as:

2. Special contribution pathways

On a special contribution route, 9th grade students who are accepted at SMA Nusantara need to pay a number of financing components, such as:

3. Student pathway

For 9th grade students who are successfully accepted at SMA TN through the scholarship route, they will be exempt from a number of financing components, such as:

During his education at Taruna High School, there were no additional costs that had to be paid by parents. Everything is covered by school fees.

This is information about the entrance fee for Taruna Nusantara High School. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.