1,622 Elderly And Clergy Have Been Injected With The COVID-19 Vaccine At PGI

JAKARTA - As many as 1,622 elderly and clergy have received the COVID-19 vaccine at the Office of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI). Vaccines were implemented from Thursday, March 4 to Monday, March 15 at Graha Oikoumene, Salemba, Central Jakarta.

PGI General Secretary Jacky Manuputty said that the implementation of this vaccine is the commitment of his institution to participate in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic based on the calling of the church's faith and in line with the responsibilities of citizenship. Moreover, until now there are still many people who are trapped in hoaxes and misinformation that make them refuse vaccination.

"Therefore, the vaccination activities carried out by PGI are also an affirmation that vaccination is safe. With this PGI also encourages churches to take part in vaccinations carried out by the government. This is our common call to care for and preserve life", said Jacky written statement quoted from the PGI website, Wednesday, March 17.

Jacky explained that the vaccination participants were dominated by clergy and senior church members who came from various backgrounds.

"In fact, many participants come from other religious backgrounds. This proves that PGI is a common home for all regardless of their background", he said.

"We are grateful to the Minister of Health and his staff, who gave PGI and churches the opportunity to participate as partners in the implementation of vaccinations and other activities related to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are ready to support this activity while continuing to pray that God will enable all Indonesian leaders and people to work hand in hand in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic", added Jacky.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi also attended PGI on the first day of vaccination, Thursday, March 4. At that time, he expressed his gratitude for the activities that have been carried out with PGI because there are many elderly people who have to be vaccinated and it is impossible for the government to do it alone.

"It is impossible for us to implement it only in the form of a program, but it must be with all components of the nation. Therefore, we are grateful for this PGI initiative", said Budi at that time.

The implementation of the first phase of vaccination at PGI is supported by medical personnel from PGI Cikini Hospital, TS UKI, the GBI Doctors Association and other partner institutions. The second phase of injection to them is planned to continue at Grha Oikoumene.

Also, PGI is working on this vaccination can be implemented in several other locations, such as JPCC, Penabur Foundation, GKI Pondok Indah, and others. The goal is so that more citizens can reach the vaccine.