Mayor Bobby Nasution's Promise For Honorary Teacher In Medan

JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Afif Nasution, represented by the Deputy Mayor of Medan, Aulia Rachman, received an audience for the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI). During this visit, he discussed the quality of education in Medan City.

Aulia Rachman said, under the leadership of Bobby Nasution, Pemko Medan has a number of vision and mission, especially in the field of education, which is to pay attention to and improve the quality of teachers. Especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic, which required an online learning system, there was a concern that there would be lost learning in the world of education.

"We will focus on improving human resources, especially teachers in the city of Medan. Because our vision and mission is to build and give birth to a strong generation in the city of Medan. This can be realized through teachers who have high quality education," said Deputy Mayor of Medan Aulia. Rachman quoted Wednesday, 17 March.

In addition, continued Aulia, Pemko Medan will also pay attention to honorary teachers by issuing a Mayor's Decree. However, the honorary teachers must be linear in order to be more optimal and useful. Because currently there are many honorary teachers who do not have the ability to teach, this is due to the lack of attention from the Medan City Education Office.

"I have found a lot of honorary teachers who do not fit the jobdesk. Of course this will be detrimental to himself. Therefore it becomes our note before the issuance of the Mayor's Decree for honorary teachers," said the Deputy Mayor of Medan.

Aulia explained, Pemko Medan has a vision to give birth to a strong generation. This will be done by establishing literacy parks in every sub-district and even village.

This park will later be equipped with supporting facilities involving related OPDs. In addition, a literacy garden will also be established in a house of worship as a foundation for strong faith in religious education.

"This vision and mission requires the collaboration of all parties, for that we ask for the support of PGRI Medan in order to collaborate in realizing this," said Aulia Rachman.

For face-to-face schools, explained the Deputy Mayor, Pemko Medan also has the same desire as PGRI. However, we cannot violate Central Government regulations. Our first step while waiting for government regulation is to carry out the Covid-19 Vaccine for teachers.

Previously, the Head of the Medan City PGRI, Sriyanta, who was present with the Secretary, Andi Yudistira and other administrators, explained that his presence was to stay in touch and convey problems in the education sector.

"Online learning system currently makes lost learning in the world of education, of course this is our concern as an organization that houses teachers. We hope that in this new academic year face-to-face schools can be reopened so that education in Medan can be improved," he explained.

Then, Sriyanta also revealed the problems faced by honorary teachers, namely the absence of a Mayor's Decree that regulates honorary teachers. "We hope that there will be a Mayor's Decree so that honorary teachers can take part in NUPTK and PPG", he said.