KPK Waits For Prosecutor's Report Regarding The Role Of Chairman Of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus In The DJKA Bribery Case Of The Ministry Of Transportation

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has confirmed that the bribery case for the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) project of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will be developed. Investigation of parties suspected of being splashed in money, including Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus and others will be carried out.

"We'll wait for a report on the progress of the prosecution or the report on the results of the trial. Including the earlier members of the council, what kind of brother LZ is," said KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur to reporters quoted on Wednesday, June 26.

Asep also said that the anti-corruption commission was still waiting for the trial to explore the role of the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi. This name appeared at the trial of former Director of Railway Infrastructure Harno Trimardi.

At that time, Budi was said to have received helicopter rental financing whose payments were allegedly used the money from the DJKA project bribery. "Then in the case, DJKA has a role from the Minister of Transportation to rent a helicopter, I also read it in the mass media and this seems to be in court," he said.

"We will wait at this trial (to develop, ed)," continued Asep.

As previously reported, the anti-corruption commission has just detained a new suspect, Yofi Oktarisza, who is a Commitment Making Officer (PPK) at the Central Java Class 1 BTP, then became the Semarang BTP in 2017-2021. This forced effort was carried out after the KPK developed bribery by Dion Renato Sugiarto.

He followed his colleague who is PPK BTP Semarang Bernard Hasibuan and Head of BTP Class 1 Semarang Putu Sumarjaya. Yofi called the KPK is PPK for 18 work packages from previous officials and 14 for new work packages.

He is suspected of helping Dion to get the project. Yofi then got a fee of 10-20 percent of the value of the work package which was then distributed.