Asking The Minister Of Transportation, Budi, To Review Allowing Homecoming, DPR Leadership: Gathering Can Use Cell Phones

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Azis Syamsuddin, asked the Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi to review the policy of not prohibiting Eid homecoming for the community.

This needs to be done considering that the COVID-19 case in Indonesia has not yet occurred. Moreover, a new variant of the COVID virus, B117 has emerged.

Azis also hopes that people can refrain from going home during Eid so that the spread of COVID-19 can be prevented in the family and hometown environment.

"Gathering is now easier with advances in technology, you can use a smartphone, so you can still meet face to face," Azis Syamsuddin told reporters, Wednesday, March 17.

However, the Golkar politician believes that there are still people who will continue to go home on Eid al-Fitr secretly, even though the government will ban the 2021 homecoming.

"As happened last year, someone swore in the trunk of the bus, some tricked him by entering the vehicle into the truck," said Azis.

Previously, Transportation Minister Budi Karya said that his party had not issued a decision regarding this year's Eid homecoming permit. This is because the Ministry of Transportation must coordinate with other related parties who are also in charge of handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Whether or not going home or prohibiting does not prohibit, it is not the authority of the Ministry of Transportation. But we will discuss with competent parties. Of course the Task Force as the coordinator will provide one direction," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya at a Working Meeting at Commission V DPR RI, Tuesday, 16 March.

The Minister of Transportation said that his party needed the support of Commission V DPR regarding information about this year's homecoming. Regarding the mechanism and whether it is permissible or not, said Budi, it will be further coordinated.