DPR-DPRD Families Receive Priority Covid-19 Vaccination Rations, Ombudsman Asks The Ministry Of Health Not To Discriminate

JAKARTA - Members of the DKI DPRD asked their families to also get priority COVID-19 vaccination quota. Currently, DPRD members (husband and wife) are undergoing phase two vaccination for the category of public service officers. Meanwhile, vaccine rations for family members, both children and parents have not been scheduled.

However, member of the Gerindra Party faction DPRD DKI Syarif said that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has finally provided a quota for COVID-19 vaccination for the families of council members.

The DPRD asked his family to also be vaccinated because he saw hundreds of DPR RI members bringing their families to get a shot of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Seeing this, the Head of the Greater Jakarta Ombudsman Representative, Teguh Nugroho, will coordinate with the Indonesian Ombudsman. Then, the Ombudsman will meet with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) not to discriminate against vaccination.

"In accordance with the region, the handling of discrimination allegedly carried out by the Ministry of Health is under the authority of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, although it is possible," Teguh said in his statement to VOI, Wednesday, March 17.

Supposedly, said Teguh, if the family members of parliament want to get priority vaccination quota, the Ministry of Health must change the technical instructions for vaccination.

Because, currently the COVID-19 vaccination has only been in two stages. The first stage is for health workers and the second stage is for public service workers and the elderly.

"If that is the case, the Ministry of Health's Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) changes the technical guidelines first. Allowing families of public servants to be vaccinated, please. If the juknis haven't been changed, (vaccination of council families) is still not allowed," he said.

Regarding the plan to provide vaccine rations for the families of DPRD members, Teguh will call the DKI Health Office to ask for clarification. Even though currently only pairs of DPRD members have been denied, this is still a deviation.

"This DPRD is really crazy. Later we will call the DKI Health Service if this is the case. It should not be allowed, the wife or husband (DPRD member) is not a public servant," he said.

Therefore, if the DKI Jakarta Health Office does this to facilitate vaccination of the families of DPRD members, this action is contrary to the technical instructions of the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health.

"Frontliners and the elderly in other areas are looking forward to waiting for that vaccine dose. They are still waiting for rations due to the limited number of vaccines. "If the vaccine for DPRD family members is facilitated, it is clear that the DKI Jakarta Health Office has wronged frontliners and the elderly in other areas who are entitled," he said.

Initially, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, emphasized that his party refused the request for vaccination for families of DKI Jakarta DPRD members because currently it is still intended for groups who are vulnerable to exposure.

Later, member of the Gerindra Party faction DPRD DKI, Syarif, said that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has finally provided a quota for COVID-19 vaccination for the families of council members. "It has been resolved by the Chairman of the DPRD, in coordination with the Health Office. I don't know about the date yet. The stock will be measured again, "said Syarif.

Syarif said, each member of the council gets three people for his family. one person for wife / husband, and limited to two people for children.