National Nursing Day, Sri Mulyani: Their Spirit And Mental Strength Have Helped Protect Indonesia

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said special sentences to nurses throughout Indonesia. This coincides with National Nursing Day which falls on Wednesday, March 17th.

Sri Mulyani expressed her gratitude for the services of all nurses in Indonesia. This profession is indeed in the middle of a big test considering that the COVID-19 pandemic has not subsided in the past year.

The former Managing Director of the World Bank wrote on his personal Instagram account @smindrawati, that not many people know about the commemoration of National Nursing Day. However, she believes the role of nurses is very important in assisting doctors in treating patients.

Not only doctors said the woman who is familiarly called Bu Ani, but nurses are also at the forefront of community service in the health sector. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses accompanied patients with great patience and continued to encourage patients to get well soon.

The enthusiasm and mental strength provided by the nurses have helped the healing process of COVID-19 patients. For this reason, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani expressed her gratitude to all nurses in Indonesia who tirelessly look after the entire community, sometimes even sacrificing family time to carry out their duties.

"Thank you for taking care of Indonesia in this very difficult moment", said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

Not a few nurses have died as a result of battling COVID-19. Based on data summarized by the IDI Mitigation Team from the Indonesian Dentists Association (PDGI), the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI), the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), the Indonesian Medical Laboratory Technology Expert Association (PATELKI), the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) from March by the end of December 2020 171 nurses had died from the coronavirus.

On the other hand, to support the performance of nurses who have worked hard during the pandemic, the government has also provided an incentive similar to cash of IDR 7.5 million per month. This incentive has been given since last year until now.

This noble policy is stated in the Letter of the Minister of Finance Number S-239/MK.02/2020 regarding Monthly Incentives and Death Compensation for Health Workers Handling COVID-19. Also, incentives are given to other health workers.

First, specialist doctors for IDR 15 million per month. Second, general practitioners and dentists IDR 10 million per month. And third, other medical personnel IDR 5 million per month.