KPAI Suspects Police Officers In West Sumatra Killed AM And Abused Other Children
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) said that apart from AM victims (13) who were found dead, there were other children suspected of being victims of abuse by police officers in Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).
"Not only did anyone die, but there were those who experienced persecution or torture. This needs to be ensured that the children who are still around, witnesses and victims also need justice," said KPAI member Dian Sasmita in her statement, Tuesday, June 25.
Dian Sasmita emphasized that child victims must receive legal assistance and protection from threats, intimidation, and terror.
"We hope that this case will not be limited to revealing the truth, but the victims will receive certainty for physical, psychological, social, and restitutional rehabilitation," he said.
Meanwhile, the Public Relations Division of the National Police confirmed that the West Sumatra Police were still investigating the case of AM's death. The Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police's Divhumas, Brigadier General Pol Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, said that the West Sumatra Police were examining witnesses and conducting internal investigations and deepening of the local police, involving the West Sumatra Police Propam.
Previously, a boy with the initials AM was found dead floating under the Kuranji Bridge, Padang, on Sunday (9/6/2024). It is suspected that there were a number of children and adults who were tortured by West Sumatra Police officers during a patrol to secure the brawl.