Discuss Multifaceted Articles, Criminal Law Experts And Sociologists Provide Input To The ITE Law Review Team

JAKARTA - The Information and Electronic Transaction Law Study Team (UU ITE) accommodated various inputs from experts in criminal law, cyber law to sociologists through a group discussion forum (FGD) on Tuesday, March 16.

"We invited 8 speakers each from academics, both from criminal law experts, cyber law experts, and also sociologists," said team leader Sugeng Purnomo in a written statement, Wednesday, March 17.

A number of speakers involved in this activity were UGM criminal law expert Marcus Priyo Gunarto, criminal law expert at Krisnadwipayana University, Indriyanto Seno Adji, Dean of the Faculty of Law, UI Edmon Makarim.

Furthermore, UNS Chancellor Jamal Wiwoho, UI sociologist Imam Prasodjo, UII Mudzakir criminal law expert, Padjajaran University cyber crime expert Sigid Susesno, and UI criminal law expert Teuku Nasrullah.

According to Sugeng, in this FGD the sources touched a lot on the urgency of the articles which according to the informants were multi-interpretive articles.

"Basically the articles in question are articles that are regulated in the Criminal Code or criminal acts outside the Criminal Code, for example starting from Article 27 paragraph 1 to paragraph 4 then Article 28 and Article 29. This is the material for discussion," he said.

Deputy III of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs added, there were many suggestions from the speakers that were interesting to discuss. For example, said Sugeng, there was a suggestion that the articles regulated in the Criminal Code were sufficiently withdrawn and included in the ITE Law and then the criminal threat was made heavier. Then there is also a suggestion to reformulate these articles using IT facilities.

"And what is no less important is the provision in Article 36, where if there is a violation in the previous articles, if it causes a loss, it is threatened up to 12 years. Whereas in the ITE Law itself it never states what the loss is, while in the domain of criminal law. if we say there is a loss, then the loss is only material, not immaterial. Now, there are no limitations, in the article or in the explanation section, "he explained.

The input that has been given from the speakers, said Sugeng, especially academics will be very useful for the team in the preparation of the final report.

"I hope the team can work according to the agreed time. So that the decision letter or addressed to the team can be completed one month earlier than the previously mentioned target," he concluded.