Alexander Marwata Is Considered To Avoid The Most Effective KPK Enforcement Strategy After Calling OTT Entertainment

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata is in the spotlight after mentioning that the current hand arrest operation (OTT) is only entertainment. He is accused of avoiding the strategies that are actually the most effective in taking action.

"Alex does avoid one of the KPK's effective strategies on purpose. OTT is undirected and it is unexpected where the flow of money goes because it relates to giving to officials who are unpredictable intellectual actors behind it," said the Chair of the IM57+ Institute, M Praswad in a written statement quoted on Monday, June 24.

Praswad considered it inappropriate for Alexander to call the silent operation just entertainment. He said, this activity actually had an impact on officials.

OTT juga terbukti menimbulkan deterrence effect pada behavior penyelenggara negara dan secara signifikan mengurangi praktik korupsi karena dihadirkan secara konkrit dan real konsekuensi yang akan diterima oleh palaku koruptor jika tetap melakukan praktik korupsi. (Mereka, red) akan ditangkap KPK, tegasnya.

This condition then made the IM57+ Institute question the motive for Alexander Marwata's statement. "Is there really a practice of bribery to bribe mega corruption that is ongoing so that it is echoed that there should be no OTT," said Praswad.

"Dewas needs to look at this series comprehensively and order an examination of all appeals and suggestions for the KPK to stop holding the practice of hand arrest operations," continued the former KPK employee.

As previously reported, Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata said his agency is now more focused on working on cases that cause large amounts of state losses. They began to leave arrests that relied on wiretapping.

"We are now focusing more on handling cases where the potential loss to the state is large and where is it happening? SOEs, in government agencies with high budget. That's what we focus on there," Alexander told reporters in the Tebet area, South Jakarta, Friday, June 21.

Alexander said that the perpetrators of corruption already understand how hand arrest operations (OTT) work. So, now it is rare for officials to talk about giving or receiving money.

Even so, Alexander said the commission would still carry out silent operations. However, taking action is no longer the main priority.

"Yes, okay OTT. Yes, thank God you got it later, yes, make entertainment tingg, make people happy," he concluded.