Police Investigate Case Of Boy Killed By Electricity From An Electric Mine In Bogor

BOGOR - The Bogor Police, Polda West Java, is investigating the case of a boy from Cirebon named Irwansyah (9) who was killed by a shock from an electric mine dividing an empty land in Bojongkulur Village, Gunungputri, Bogor.

"Still in the process of investigating, we have examined several witnesses, starting with those who found them and those who helped while the victim was still hanging from the wire," said Bogor Police Chief AKBP Harun as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 16.

The unfortunate incident occurred on Sunday, March 14 afternoon when the victim was playing with his friend in an empty lot belonging to a resident named Martono.

"The victim and his two friends were playing looking for grasshoppers in the vacant lot, then they saw that the victim was on his back with both hands attached to the wire," said Harun.

AKBP Harun said that the land owner admitted that he deliberately installed electric mines in anticipation of theft.

"In early January 2021, he was stolen. Therefore he supplied electricity to his land. Meanwhile we are carrying out an investigation," he said.

"Actually it is not allowed (to make electric mines). If two pieces of evidence are fulfilled, the investigation and the suspect, there is a reason, "said AKBP Harun.