Teenager Dragged By Waves In Payangan Jember, Joint SAR Team Conducts Search

JEMBER - A student named Andika Pratama (15), was reported to have been swept away by the waves while on vacation at Payangan Beach, Jember Regency, East Java. The teenager is known to be a resident of Karangsemanding Village who is still being searched for by the joint SAR Team.

"On the second day, the search for victims had not been found, which was rolled by the waves of Payangan Beach," said Ambulu Police Chief AKP Suhartanto when confirmed by ANTARA via telephone in Jember, Sunday night.

He said the search was carried out by sweeping the beach and part of the SAR team conducted a search in the middle of the sea, even members of the Rimba Laut SAR immediately dived.

"The search for victims was carried out from morning to evening, which was focused around the location where the victims were dragged by the waves. Until the night, Andika's victim had not been found," he said.

Suhartanto said the search for victims dragged by the waves of Payangan Beach was stopped because it was late and the plan to search for the third day would continue on Monday (24/6) morning.

The victim's parents also helped carry out the search, even spent the night on the beach with other families in the hope that the victim would be found in any condition.

The search by diving was indeed carried out by members of the Rimba Laut SAR because at the location of the victim being dragged by the waves at Payangan Beach, there were many coral cavities.

Andika and her friends from Karangsemanding Village, Balung District, Jember Regency, vacationed to Payangan Beach and were desperate to swim in the southern sea waters on Saturday (22/6) afternoon, even though the local fishermen had warned not to swim because it was dangerous.

The joint SAR team that conducted the search for victims dragged by the waves, namely from SAR Rimba Laut, BPBD Jember, Basarnas Jember, volunteers, and Beret Nasdem, conducted a search hand in hand.