Reportedly With Glaukuma Disease So Can't See, Adul: Slander!

JAKARTA - Comedian Adul opened his voice regarding the news that he had glaukuma alias damage to the eye nerve due to high pressure in the eye.

Adil firmly denied the news. He also said that the news of the accusation was the first time he heard from his family and friends.

"Slander (with glaukuma). First I didn't hear except the family who first found out. From my sister, I just told you that I was looking, I just saw the link," said Adul, quoted by VOI from Instagram @rumpi_ttv, Saturday, June 22.

However, it is undeniable by Adul that he was surprised by the news even though this is not the first time he has been reported with false news.

"I'm just surprised, this is the same as the news that I used to call cyclop the same as that," added Adil.

Furthermore, Adil said that he felt bad about the family who heard the news because of their concerns.

Therefore, one of the friends of Komeng tried to calm down and denied that the news was just gossip.

"Yes, it's also (not good with family). It's just that I said 'that's gossip, just let it go, what are you doing, don't twist it'. Just relax," he said.

He reiterated that he could still clearly see using both his eyes. "You can (see)," joked Adil.