Find Other Evidence, Police Re-examine Virgoun Boarding House

JAKARTA - The police again searched the boarding house room belonging to musician Virgoun Tambunan Putra (VTP) in the Ampera area, South Jakarta, on Friday, June 21. this is to find possible other evidence.

"And the development of the case is still in the process of being investigated and we have also conducted a re-examination at the TKP, at the VTP Brother boarding house," said Head of the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga quoting Antara.

During the re-examination, the police found no other evidence other than the evidence found at the time of the arrest on Thursday (20/6). Namely one clip of methamphetamine and a suction device.

"We found no other evidence besides the evidence that we initially found at the crime scene, namely methamphetamine and methamphetamine suction devices," he said.

Panjiyoga said that one clip of methamphetamine that was secured by the Police at the Virgoun boarding house was less than one gram. "Under one gram, the details will be released," said Panjiyoga.

Musician Virgoun Tambunan Putra and his female friend with the initials PA are healthy after undergoing a medical examination at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Friday (21/6) afternoon.

However, the urine test results also prove that Virgoun and PA have tested positive for methamphetamine.

"Yes, the results of the Virgoun health test today were declared healthy. The Urine is also still positive, containing narcotics 0 revealed Kanit III of the Drug Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Iptu Rheditya Alfa Hendy.

Together with one of his colleagues were also declared in good health. "And still, for urine, positive for narcotics," he said when met by reporters in Jakarta after the examination of Virgoun, Friday (21/6).