Surabaya City Government Arranges Supermarkets So That MSMEs Get Free Partnership Rights

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government urges the managers or owners of supermarkets in Kota Pahlawan to carry out the initial commitment when applying for a business establishment permit.

This is stated in the Regional Regulation (Perda) of Surabaya City No. 8 of 2014 concerning the Arrangement of Supermarkets.

One of the initial commitments of establishing a supermarket is that the owner is obliged to establish a partnership with Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In Perda Surabaya 8/2014 Article 14 states that supermarkets are required to provide places or facilities for MSMEs for marketing free of charge.

To optimize this, the Surabaya City Trade Office (Disdag) issued a Notification Letter on the Utilization of Supermarkets Building Number 510/05905/436.7.21/2021 dated March 12, 2021.

Head of the Surabaya City Trade Office Wiwiek Widayati said that her party wanted to re-collect data and appealed to supermarket owners to readjust their business premises according to Perda Surabaya 7/2009 concerning Buildings amended by Perda 6/2013 and Perda Surabaya 8/2014 on Structuring Convenience Store.

"When we give permits to supermarkets, I convey the (Perda), and they must commit to comply with these provisions", Wiwiek said at Surabaya City Hall, Tuesday, March 16.

Wiwiek explained, one of the initial commitments that must be carried out by supermarket owners is to establish partnerships with MSMEs by providing a place or facility for marketing according to the provisions. This means that MSME players can display or take advantage of locations in supermarkets for marketing by the provisions and are free.

"Because of that, we are doing identification, re-data collection so that everything is accurate, to be analyzed and made the next policy. This means that the city government wants to stimulate and encourage the optimization of MSMEs products", she explained.

Now, when the identification has been carried out, said Wiwiek, the city government can map whether the supermarket has formed a partnership with the Surabaya MSMEs and so on. If not, then the city government wants to reorganize and find the best solution for MSMEs actors.

"Their initial commitment (convenience store owners) is to provide facilities to MSMEs inside (shops). There is another commitment that they will not occupy land that is not proper. They will not add buildings and so on, but some do that thing", she said.

Because of that, she said, the main purpose of the data collection carried out by the city government at this time is to re-discipline supermarkets that are not by Perda 6/2013 on Buildings. This is their initial commitment when applying for a business establishment permit.

"So we are implementing the provisions stipulated in Perda 6/2013. Because this also has to do with the business license granted", she said.

On the other hand, the data collection is carried out by the city government so that supermarket owners meet the requirements by the initial commitment to establish a business as regulated in Perda 8/2014. One of them is that MSMEs get facilities for their products to enter supermarkets for free and not rent.

"It just has to be arranged, they (MSMEs) get free to take advantage of this with the best possible arrangement. If it is arranged, then the parking lot is also good, meaning that there will also be more visitors and it will not interfere with other interests", she said.