Taspen Managing Director's Lawyer: Antonius Kosasih Admits He Wants To Settle It In A Family Manner, But Sends Divorce Suit

JAKARTA - Rina Lauwy, wife of the President Director of PT Taspen, Antonius Nicholas Stephanus Kosasih, actually admits that he wants to solve his household problems in a family manner. Not with legal channels as he is currently doing.

Rina Lauwy had to take legal steps because Kosasih did not show good faith. In fact, Kosasih even filed for divorce from Rina.

This was conveyed by Rina through her attorney Sri Suparyati. The dispute between Kosasih and his wife led to a report at Polda Metro Jaya regarding domestic violence that occurred psychologically.

"Mrs. Rina welcomed the report from the report that she would resolve the problem in a family manner and even waited for by Mrs. Rina. Well, only until today, there is no such indication. No communication has been established. In fact, Mrs. Rina received a divorce suit from the reported party," Sri said when contacted by reporters, Tuesday, March 16.

The existence of this divorce lawsuit, then made his client feel that what Kosasih said was not appropriate. "If the reported said he wanted to settle it in a family manner, but how come he responded with a lawsuit (divorce, ed)," he said.

Furthermore, Sri also spoke up about the psychological threats that Kosasih made against his wife. According to his client's statement, this psychological violence has occurred since August 2020 and continues until 2021.

"The peak is in the viral video, which is February," he said.

Police investigators later unearthed this psychological violence when they summoned Rina today. There are at least 15 questions that must be answered by the boss's wife of the state-owned company.

"Actually, what we want to explore is related to psychological violence, yes. Because if you refer to Law 23 of 2004, psychological violence is seen from causing fear to lack of self-confidence then there are also threats that are not physical," he explained.

"Because Mrs. Rina did not get physical violence but psychological violence, that's why the question earlier goes deeper into the psychological violence," Sri added.

As previously reported, Rina Lauwly Kosasih reported her husband, President Director of PT Taspen Antonius Nicholas Stephanus Kosasih to the police because of allegations of domestic violence (KDRT). This problem is said to be preceded by bickering and threatening messages.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that based on information from the reporter, the quarrel was caused by Rina seeing her husband Antonius Kosasih with another woman at a restaurant in the Senopati area, South Jakarta. Because of this incident they were involved in a quarrel

"The victim and the reported were involved in bickering on public roads and many people saw them," Yusri told reporters, Wednesday, March 3.

Then, the reported party, Antonius Kosasih, according to the police, sent a threatening message to his wife. This message, based on Rina's report to the police, was made through a mediator.

Therefore, Rina Lauwly Kosasih reported her husband. The report is registered under the number LP / 1117 / II / YAN 2.5 / 2021 / SPKT / PMJ dated 26 February.