Abstinence For High Blood Pressure, Avoid These 3 Types Of Food

JAKARTA - What you eat has a big effect on your body condition. Some foods are abstinence for people with certain diseases. One of them is the types of food that are abstinence for people with high blood pressure or hypertension.

As we know, high-sodium foods or using salt spices need to be avoided by someone who has high blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured based on systolic and diastolic pressures. Normally in adulthood you have a blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg.

For a measure of high blood pressure if a person has 140 - 150 mmHg for systolic pressure, and 90-99 mmHg for diastolic pressure. If it exceeds 150/100 mmHg, it can be said to have second-level hypertension.

Meanwhile, for the elderly over 65 years, having a blood pressure of 160/90 mmHg can still be classified as normal.

So, when experiencing high blood pressure or hypertension, what types of foods are taboo or should you avoid? Here is the list:

Salty food

The salty taste comes from mixing sodium or sodium. The sodium content can affect the amount of fluid in the blood. Which means that it can make blood pressure higher. The normal size of daily sodium consumption is between 2,300 milligrams, or the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of salt.

Also, be aware that some foods don't actually taste very salty, but sodium is produced by processing.

Illustration of salt-added food (Pexels / cottonbro)

Preserved food

Salt is a natural preservative, including used to preserve certain types of food such as pickles, canned foods, salted fish, salted eggs, and frozen or frozen food.

Foods with cheese topping that contain sodium also need to be avoided. Safest, choose cheese or unsalted butter for people with high blood pressure.

Foods that contain saturated fat

High blood pressure often triggers other diseases, such as cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes. Although it can apply the opposite or sufferers of the disease are prone to hypertension. Therefore, a number of foods need to be identified before being consumed daily.

For example, types of foods that contain saturated fat in the form of milk, fullfat cream, butter, red meat, and chicken skin. A number of these foods contain saturated fat and are taboo for people with hypertension.

For someone who has high blood pressure, it is advisable to eat plant-based foods that are high in fiber, low in fat, less sodium, and high in potassium, magnesium and folate in spinach and garlic.