Curhatan Actress Andrea Dian Becomes A Positive COVID-19 Patient

JAKARTA - Today, March 22, actress Andrea Dian uploaded a long article on her Instagram account about her positive health condition for the corona virus or COVID-19. The message included a portrait of him wearing a mask and inside the hospital.

In his uploads, Andrea advised the people closest to him and those who had just met him to be more careful in order to prevent the transmission of the virus. Andrea also wrote that he was fine when this message was written.

The beginning of the story, the actress who was born on April 11 felt a fever on March 13 and was taken to a private hospital. He was diagnosed with dengue fever and was immediately hospitalized. Two days later, he was fit.

Andrea was worried and decided to check for thorax and influenza, the results were negative. "And during the lung scan, there were spots on the right and left. Because there are spots, the next day, March 16, I will check the swab to test whether I am infected with the COVID-19 virus or not, ”he said.

On March 18, he tested positive for COVID-19 by the hospital. After that, the wife of actor Ganindra Bimo was transferred to a hospital that the government had referred to be isolated. Not only being exposed to corona, Andrea has another challenge, namely an auto immune condition that he must keep in order to stay fit.

He added that the condition of the hospital where he was isolated was very worrying. He was isolated with five positive patients with different conditions. Nurses and doctors are felt to be friendly and helpful to patients but the lack of manpower and logistics has overwhelmed medical workers.

“I was lucky enough to get a bed, despite the makeshift room facilities. But outside there are still many that do not find proper resting places. Some of the patients said that some were sleeping on the ward, even in containers, ”he said in his upload.

He hopes that the authorities can pay attention to medical personnel and health facilities in handling COVID-19. This can be started from basic things such as hand sanitizer, tissue, soap, drinking water which he feels is not sufficient as a patient.

He added that proper equipment and assistance were needed so that the number of victims would not increase. This post received a positive response and support from friends of the public figures who sent messages of encouragement for Andrea to recover quickly.

Today, positive patients for COVID-19 have reached 514 people, with 48 victims having died and 29 being declared cured. The government urges people to stay at home and avoid crowds to prevent the transmission of the virus that originated in Wuhan, China.

Illustration (Ilham Amin / VOI)