Minister Of Communication And Information Budi Arie Setiadi Ensures That PDN Service Recovery Gradually

JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi said that Kominfo is currently recovering public services gradually following the disturbances that occurred at the National Data Center.

"It is true that there is a disturbance at the National Data Center which has an impact on several public services," said Minister of Communication and Information Budi in a statement on Thursday, June 20.

Nevertheless, Budi ensured that his team was currently working optimally to accelerate recovery which resulted in problems with domestic immigration services.

This statement came after one of the users of X @jesswjk shared the latest conditions regarding the immigration system that was down at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

Currently, the National Data Center which is used with ministries and institutions as well as local governments is a Temporary Cloud-based National Data Center.

Provisional National Data Center is a mandate from Presidential Regulation Number 132 of 2022 concerning Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE). Through the National Data Center, it is hoped that the data center migration process from government agencies can run gradually.

The construction process for the first National Data Center in Cikarang, West Java, is underway and is expected to be completed this year. The government plans to build a National Data Center in Batam and the capital city of Nusantara.