The North Kalimantan Provincial Government Ensures That The SOA Of Border Residents Continues

TANJUNG SELOR - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara) continues to carry out various populist programs, this is in accordance with the vision and mission programmed by the provincial government.

One of the priority programs such as the Transportation Subsidy (SOA) to help people at the border.

Head of the Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and SMEs Office, Hasriyani, revealed that the implementation of SOA for passengers and goods or cargo was well realized and smoothly.

"Alhamdulillah, in 2023, we have cleaned up and evaluated the implementation of the SOA activities in 2022. For 2024, the implementation is quite ready, such as appointing distributors and working together with friends from the sub-district," said Hasriani, Thursday, June 20.

The sub-district has provided recommendations, so that the distributor is truly known and has coordinated well.

"So the schedule for who they know and the goods can be controlled from the sub-district, in terms of SOA services there have been changes related to the distribution of goods through distributors in their respective sub-districts," he explained.

Harsriyani revealed that related to the 10 SOA passenger service routes and scattered airports, there were from Malinau, Tanjung Selor and Tarakan with a SOA Passenger budget of Rp. 8,954,139,000,-

Adapun 10 rute penerbangan SOA Penumpang yaitu Tanjung Selor Mahak Baru, Tanjung Selor Long Ampung, Tanjung Selor Long Alango, Tanjung Selor Long Bawang, Tanjung Selor Data Dian.

From the Tarakan Long Bawang flight route, Tarakan Long Ampung, then Malinau Long Bawang, Malinau Long Layu, Malinau Binuang.

Meanwhile, SOA Barang or Cargo received a budget allocation of IDR 9,619,381,500, - there are several locations in Nunukan Regency, namely the Krayan area, the Lumbis and Seimenggaris areas.

For Malinau Regency, there are several places in Pujungan, Bahau Hulu, Mentarang Hulu, Sungai Tubu, Long Ampung and Apau Kayan areas.

"We hope that in the implementation of this SOA, what we are doing can be very useful for the people at the border, so we can enjoy the selling price or price of goods that are not far from the price of goods in urban areas," he said.

However, the implementation of SOA is expected for the public to enjoy goods prices that are not much different, in the sense that the implementation of SOA is not up-to-date because the prices of goods are the same because there are costs incurred by distributors.

Hasriyani emphasized that his party will continue to regulate the regulations and benefits, so that the community can benefit from this SOA program in accordance with the vision and mission of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Kaltara, namely Kaltara, which has changed, advanced and Prosperous.

"We hope that the implementation of SOA is right on target and can be utilized properly, lest SOA be implemented, but the price complaint is quite far so it's like there are no benefits of SOA," he concluded.