Claims Of Astra Life Reached IDR 20 Billion From 120 Death Cases Due To COVID-19

JAKARTA - PT Asuransi Jiwa Astra (Astra Life) has paid customer claims worth IDR 5.8 billion from March 2020 to February 16, 2021. This amount was paid for 700 cases related to COVID-19.

As is known, Astra Life provides health and life protection products that provide comprehensive protection including diseases caused by COVID-19. Customers can also claim according to the benefits and terms of the policy.

Head of Bancassurance and Direct Business of PT Asuransi Jiwa Astra (Astra Life) Ancilla Lily said the claim submitted with a total of IDR 5.8 billion was a claim for patient hospitalization.

"There are about 700 hospitalization claims with a nominal amount of around Rp. 5.8 billion," he said in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, March 16.

In addition to paying claims for patient hospitalization, Astra Life has also paid claims for customers who died due to COVID-19. The number of claims is greater when compared to hospitalization claims.

"Then there were 120 death claims with a total of around Rp20 billion," said Ancilla.

When compared to May 2020, the total claims against customers who died from COVID-19 increased by IDR 17 billion. Because, until May 18, 2020, this insurance company has paid claims totaling IDR 3 billion.

For your information, in the midst of a pandemic, Astra Life is optimizing digital technology in marketing insurance products and services to customers. Along with the imposition of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and other restrictions, many activities must be carried out at home, including consulting with doctors through digital services.

Astra Life collaborates with the Halodoc application by opening a reimbursement service for consultation and purchasing of COVID-19 related drugs for group health insurance customers.

This insurance company also provides protection from life insurance products, group health insurance, insurance with inpatient and surgical benefits, insurance with hospital inpatient benefits.